Finally, a few Christmas photos to share! We had to buy a new storage unit from IKEA and remove a futon in order to make room for the ever growing collection of toys. The last photo cracks me up - Luke and Carsyn were sitting identically, and didn't even know it. They are so funny together!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Christmas Photos
Posted by Jill at 1:17 PM 5 comments
Monday, December 24, 2007
Come on man, it's the holidays!
I just had to post this to see if anyone else has seen the commercial for a cell phone - I think it's a go phone - not even really sure. But it's with the gingergread man and his family, and he keeps repairing his house when everyone eats it. For some reason, Luke and I are a bit obsessed with this commercial! We rewind it several times when it comes on, and have been saying for weeks "Come on man, it's the holidays!" So, does anyone else know what I'm talking about? And if you have seen it, is it as funny to you as it is to me and Luke?
I've never posted a link before, so not sure why it's just showing a question mark, but you should be able to click here and see the commercial!
Posted by Jill at 7:54 PM 3 comments
Sunday, December 23, 2007
7 years down...
Yesterday, Marc and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary. Nonno came and got the kids around noon, so we had the day free to do all the things we've been too busy to do - last minute shopping, wrapping gifts, cleaning up the house... We were going to head out and go to dinner and a movie, but we realized we were so tired - we've been on the go non-stop for weeks and have been lacking sleep. We did make it to Texas Roadhouse for dinner, and then came home, made a fire, and ordered a movie off of TV. I was pretty excited to get a half white/half black diamond necklace!
Today we're heading to Bryan and will stay at Marc'sparents' house tonight, have Christmas there in the morning, and then head home early in the afternoon. Christmas day will be spent just hanging out at home - maybe even a meal out at a Chinese restaurant if we don't want to cook dinner.
If I don't hear from you all, have a Merry Christmas. Oh, and we did finally send cards out, but you may get them late. Better later than never, right?
Check back for lots of photos of Mia's first (and Luke's 5th) Christmas!
Posted by Jill at 1:55 PM 5 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Good Times
The weekend is almost over, but I really enjoyed it for once. I didn't spend the whole time running around shopping with 2 kids. Friday my friend Jenn came to see me at school. I taught with her for several years at Trimmier and she moved in May. I haven't seen her since then, and now she's 8 months pregnant. Saturday we got to spend several hours together, just us, at lunch and shoping. I really needed that friend time. I haven't had it in so long and it was much needed.
Last night Mia finally crawled forward! She's been working on heading backwards but was in no hurry to move forward, unless it was by rolling. Marc and Luke were trying to play Candy Land, and she crawled over to mess up their game. It was a sad little crawl, but it counts! I think she's finally getting some more teeth in. All day she's been very sad and needy, like last time.
Today Jenn and her husband stopped by again before heading home, and then Luke and I made fudge, chocolate covered pretzels, and attempted church windows. Not sure what happened there. I have a feeling they will end up in the trash, unless they come out ok after cooling! Marc is finally out doing some Christmas shopping now, so I dressed the kids up to try to get a good photo of them dressed up. With how Mia is acting, it wasn't super successful, but I got a few cute ones none the less.
Three and a half days left this week. Can't wait for a break!!! Friday I think I'm sending the kids to daycare and finally cashing in a certificate I have for a massage, facial, and mani/pedi. I need some time for me.
Enjoy this last week. I'm envious of the blizzard my Northern friends are receiving now - saw the Browns and Steelers on tv playing in it. Send some my way!
Miss you all.
Don't have much explanation for this photo - what you see is what you get!
When I watched Brenda's kids the other night, Carsyn and Luke sat together and "read" Polar Express. It was too cute. They have changed so much this past year, and it's evident in how they play together.
And today's photos, dressed in their Christmas best!
Posted by Jill at 4:03 PM 9 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Here I am!
Ok, so I have slacked off. While our computer is broken, I've been using my school laptop, but it is a pain to download photos, so I haven't had much to put on my blog. But due to some pressure from a sibling, I wanted to post something, so you'll have to settle for just me, no kids' photos.
We have 5 and a half days until break, and I am way excited to get a few days off! I feel like Christmas is farther away than it really is. I've been too busy lately to really enjoy the holiday spirit. Plus, I've somehow lost all my Christmas music, so that doesn't help!
Mia turned 9 months old yesterday. Hard to believe she's so big already. She had a good checkup, except the dr. thought she had shrunk! Luckily, after a second measurement, we realized it was a nurse's error and my baby isnt' suffering from early osteoporosis or any other shrinking ailment! I was so excited to start feeding her the little puff snacks last night - her first solid food - but was nervous since Luke choked on his first Cheerio and threw up after I had to stick my finger in his throat! I was so glad when Mia was successful with her first food! But on puff #2, she choked, and threw up 4 times all over the floor. What is it with my kids and choking?? Oh, and she has yet another ear infection. Super.
Luke is doing well. He's so happy because his recalled trains were replaced yesterday! :) Doesn't take much to please him. He's been doing great at school too, and I can't believe how much he's learning.
As for Marc, he's still doing well in basketball. He's no longer undefeated, but still has a great record. District games start soon, so we'll see how things go then.
And then there's me. I've had an interesting week or two at work, and feel like I'm always running 3 places at once, but I'm doing well despite it all! I'm headed to Red Lobster for my staff party now, so it'll be nice to get out and do something relaxing, without kids for a change.
I think that about sums up the Minatreas right now. I just realized tonight I haven't even thought about Christmas cards, so please don't be checking the mail waiting for ours anytime soon. Oh, and I'm taking orders for Cadbury eggs for those who are home bound (Lori) or small town folks (Amy)!
Posted by Jill at 5:24 PM 11 comments
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Go Grey Wolves!!
Marc has played 8 and 1/8 games (one game stopped part way through the first quarter, and the team left, but Marc counts it as a win!) and is undefeated! Today the team finished a tournament in Round Rock, and won first place. Since we have no idea what could happen the rest of the season, I wanted to celebrate their great start by giving them credit on here and sharing their team photo from after their win today.
Posted by Jill at 6:40 PM 11 comments
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thanksgiving Photos
I was so thankful that the weather dropped 20-30 degrees for Thanksgiving, so my kids could wear their new cute "cold weather" clothes! Luke and I bought Mia a new Thanksgiving outfit, complete with pink Ugg boots. We also made the pilgrim hats that we saw online... and they turned out so cute, and yummy too! We spent Thanksgiving in Bryan, TX at Marc's parents' house. Luke was surprised with a new "big kid" bike, and he and Nonno went out in the 50 degree weather to the park for about 2 hours to enjoy it. Mia finally seems healthy, but had to suffer through the world's worst diaper rash on Thanksgiving Day.
Posted by Jill at 1:30 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
What are YOU thankful for??
I was at HEB today (grocery store... getting stuff to make grandma's cheeseball!) and a lady stopped me and said "There are little blessings everywhere! Enjoy your little blessings." She had just seen a little baby, and then was looking at Luke and Mia when she said that. I realize how lucky I am to have my two beautiful children, and of course that's what I'm most thankful for this Thanksgiving. Last night, Luke and I had a talk about helping those who aren't as lucky as us, and he said "Mommy, I have money. I can buy them something!" That's one of those moments that I see what a great kid he is, already knowing how fortunate we are, and he's only 4.
So what are you all thankful for this year? What are your "little blessings"?
Posted by Jill at 3:06 PM 5 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
That about sums up how I'm feeling right now...What a day! Today was supposed to be this magical day of shopping with Brenda. We finally had a day off work for Veteran's Day, and Brenda and I planned to shop in Austin like we have the past 2 years, to kick off our Christmas shopping. When I got up, Mia had a fever, so she ended up going along (Marc had basketball practice, and she couldn 't go to daycare). She was a trooper though - very good for the most part while Brenda and I spent many hours (and dollars!!) shopping. When we got back, Mia seemed warmer than she had all day, and Brenda stayed while we took her temp... we stopped when the thermometer hit 104.1 (plus add the degree for under the arm.) So I got on the phone with the doctor and they said to just alternate tylenol and motrin all night, but take her in if her fever spiked again. I'll be home tomorrow with her for sure, and visiting the doctor to find out why Mia seems to have a fever every other week. I feel so bad for her! Meanwhile, our computer is broken, and we'll have to take that in, but luckily I have my school laptop to use. I went to get something out of the freezer earlier, and found popsicles dripping on me... and our freezer all warm. I called a repair man to come out, charge me $75, and tell me I need a new fridge. Awesome. Why couldn't it be the stove? We never use that anyhow!! Now tomorrow, I'll stay home from work to take Mia to the doctor, and get a new fridge. Oh, and tomorrow night is Marc's first game. On a good note, I had a very successful shopping day, especially at Toys R Us, and in trying to hide the gifts, I found my missing necklace that I've been searching for for over 2 months! I'm trying to find the silver lining in my day... Have a great week everyone. I am sure my week can only improve from here!
Posted by Jill at 7:48 PM 5 comments
Sunday, November 04, 2007
It's taken a few days to get the Halloween photos on, but here they are finally! Luke dressed as a soccer player this year, since he had his Italian jersey already. Luke had a party at school that afternoon, and Marc and I were both able to go, which is something that will probably never happen again, so I really enjoyed being there.
Carving our pumpkin
Luke's teacher - Ms. Kuehl (who is an awesome teacher!) - the bat next to her is Josh, Luke's "best buddy"
At school, during his party
Trick or Treat!
Posted by Jill at 6:39 PM 9 comments
Friday, October 26, 2007
This was sent to me today, and knowing most people who read my blog are (were) teachers, I felt I needed to share.
1. You can hear 25 voices behind you and know exactly which one belongs to the child out of line.
2. You get a secret thrill out of laminating something.
3. You walk into a store and hear the words "It's Ms/Mr. _________" and know you have been spotted.
4. You have 25 people that accidentally call you Mom/Dad at one time or another.
5. You can eat a multi-course meal in under twenty-five minutes.
6. You've trained yourself to go to the bathroom at two distinct times of the day: lunch and prep period.
7. You start saving other people's trash, because most likely, you can use that toilet paper tube or plastic butter tub for something in the classroom.
8. You believe the teachers' lounge should be equipped with a margarita machine.
9. You want to slap the next person who says "Must be nice to work 7 to 3 and have summers off."
10. You believe chocolate is a food group.
11. You can tell if it's a full moon without ever looking outside.
12. You believe that unspeakable evils will befall you if anyone says "Boy, the kids sure are mellow today."
13. You feel the urge to talk to strange children and correct their behavior when you are out in public.
14. You believe in aerial spraying of Ritalin.
15. You think caffeine should be available in intravenous form.
16. You spend more money on school stuff than you do on your own children.
17. You can't pass the school supply aisle without getting at least five items!
18. You ask your friends if the left hand turn he just made was a "good choice or a bad choice."
19. You find true beauty in a can full of perfectly sharpened pencils
20. You are secretly addicted to hand sanitizer and finally,
21. You understand instantaneously why a child behaves a certain way after meeting his or her parents.
Posted by Jill at 5:16 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Dinosaurs, Butterflies, Bearkats, and Snakes
Yesterday we went to Payton's birthday party, and the kids got to wear their costumes. Luke is going to be soccer player since we had an Italian soccer jersey, and Mia is a pumpkin with a too-cute costume from Gymboree! I didn't get photos of Luke yet, but I'll get plenty on Halloween! Mia was sitting so quietly on the floor, so I managed to get a quick shot of her.
Marc went to Sam Houston State University Thursday to watch their basketball team practice, so the kids ended up with Bearkat clothes that they put on this afternoon, and I hadn't taken a cute photo of them in a few days, so it about time to get another one!
Luke and I could have filmed a show for the discovery channel today with our critter moments! When we got home from Target, there was a big monarch butterfly on our lantana out front. We sat out there for 30 minutes and it just flew right around us, not bothered at all that we were there trying to take a photo and being very loud. At one point, it seemed to chase Luke around the driveway, and that may be due to his bright orange shirt! 2 hours later, it's still flying around our front yard. Then we were in the kitchen and he screamed "Mommy, look!" and I assumed it was a spider or cricket but I turned around and saw a snake slithering across my kitchen floor! While I wanted to just panic and run, I knew Marc wasn't home and it was headed towards the fridge, so I grabbed a tupperware container, threw it on top, and called Brenda! We left it there until Marc got home and he humanely set it free across the street. I know it was only about 6 inches long, but still, a snake in my kitchen doesn't rest well with me!! Makes me wonder how long it's been slithering through my house... and 2 people (Marc and Luke) both slept on the floor last night. Gross.
So besides all that, we're doing well now. Marc was out of school most of the week with his back out, but he's up and about pretty much fully healed today. Mia isn't too happy, and we think it's got to be more teeth coming in . I can't believe this week is the end of the first 9 weeks of school either. I hope everyone has a great week. Enjoy the photos of our past 2 weeks! I didn't get a real shot of the snake -just on my camera - so you'll have to miss out on that one.





Posted by Jill at 2:17 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 12, 2007
I found a few photos from the past weeks of the kids playing. It's so fun to see Luke taking the time to play with Mia. I know in a few years he won't be as willing to play with her, but now he gets his little people and lays on the blanket with her and keeps her very happy! The other photo is from when Carsyn came by the other week, after Luke spent the night at her house. Nancy, do you recognize Mia's outfit??
I saw this quote in an email from a prek teacher. I had never heard it, and thought it was worth sharing.
We could learn a lot from crayons... Some are sharp, some are pretty
and some are dull. Some have weird names, and all are different colors,
but they all have to live in the same box.
Posted by Jill at 1:36 PM 4 comments
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Three Ts
Our weekend can be summed up with three Ts:
The first T is Texas Roadhouse. I went out Friday with two new friends from work, and had a great time talking there for over 3 hours. It'd been a long time since I'd just hung out with friends like that, and it was much needed and appreciated!
The second T is for TV. Marc's friends (Doug and TBone) came over Saturday and we watched football all day. I know the guys had a good time, and I even enjoyed sitting around with them. I could have watched something other than football on the TV in the bedroom, but that TV has some issues. We noticed that several channels have no sound, and others - like Lifetime, that I probably would have watched all day yesterday - is in Spanish! So we'll be buying a new one this week. We have no explanation for that. And a special thanks goes out to TBone for playing trains with Luke, and to Doug for enduring Candy Land and Dora on the computer.
The third T is for teeth. Mia was pretty upset all day Saturday - not her usual happy self at all. She didn't sleep at all till 6:00 at night, and even when held, she just kept crying. This morning when I got her up, I felt at least one lower tooth - but I think both lower teeth broke through together. So that explains why she was so upset, and still is today.
This week will be another busy one. For me, it's conference week, so I'll be having them after/before/during school most days this week, and then from 1:00-6:30 on Thursday.
Sorry I haven't had photos lately to post. There's nothing really going on but I'll snap some of the kids this week anyhow, in case you all have forgotten how cute they are! Have a great week everyone!!
Posted by Jill at 6:11 PM 4 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Alive, but not well
It's been a while since I posted - the title should explain why I've been missing! The past 2 weeks have been crazy. First, let's talk about me. (Ok, that sounds vain. Not how I meant it!) Anyone around here knows how bad allergies are right now, but for some reason I've been hit with my worst set of allergies ever. For two weeks I haven't slept well because when I lay down, I can't breathe! I sneeze about 10 times in a row, and I swear my eyelids are bruised from rubbing them so much to kill the itching. Now on to Mia. About 2-3 weeks ago she started having a bad cough every morning, and then she started to throw up her bottle each morning after she ate. We took her in last week and she has allergy symptoms, but also had her first ear infection. She's good to go now though. Then this past Thursday, Luke threw up at school, and from what I hear, he did a good job of it! This may not seem too unusual for a 4 year old, but I think he's done it once as a baby and once last year, and never even really spit up, so it was odd. Luke said it was the corn from lunch that made him throw up, and even though we watched him carefully, he was fine after that. So we are blaming the corn. Then last night, Marc woke me up around midnight looking for medicine because his stomach hurt, and around 4 this morning he was up again, following in Luke's footsteps. So it's been an interesting health week or two in our house!
We have had a few good moments though. Luke is continuing to amaze us with how much he's learning at his new school. Every week he goes on a field trip to the public library, and next week he gets to go to the Firehouse. The best part is that he gets really excited about going back to school each day, and I can't say he was that way last year. He spent the night with Carsyn last night, and then she came over this morning for a while. It's always fun to just observe them playing and talking. They've come a long way since we used to sit them side by side and take a photo each month of them as babies! Marc, Luke, and Nonno (of whom Luke said today "I love him! He's my daddy's dad!!) are at a U of H football game tonight in Houston, so Mia and I took off to Austin shopping, and that little girl got so many compliments on how cute and happy she is! Well, except for when I was trying to make her fit in a 6-12 month skin tight witch costume at Gymboree... not so happy then!
Now that you know every detail of our health and what we did today, I'm off to rest. Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks to those who checked up on me since I've been missing. :)
Posted by Jill at 6:52 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Almost 6 months!



Posted by Jill at 9:14 PM 5 comments
Friday, September 07, 2007
Thinking of You...
Posted by Jill at 10:29 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 03, 2007
Happy Labor Day!
Is anyone out there actually laboring today, or do you all get the day off? I am going to try to enjoy my already much-needed day off. We have done nothing all weekend and that's just fine with us! My first week with kids went pretty well. Right now I only have 16 kids, but with Ft. Hood, we have move-ins constantly after Labor Day so I'm sure that number will change very soon. My kids are very talkative so that's been the biggest issue to work on this week. It's been very different being back, with most of my grade level being new, but everyone has adjusted well. Luke and Mia are doing well. We are really trying to work with Luke to open up to other people and not just shut down, and that has caused a few frustrations, but he's enjoying his new school and really learning a lot there. The other day he woke up and said "Only one more day left in August" and that's not something we taught him, so I know he's listening and learning. Mia is fine - I think the change in schedule has been hardest on her. She got sick the first week back - just a little virus - but her sleeping and eating has been way off the past 2 weeks, trying to adjust to a noisier room and not quite as much attention all day.
Friday Luke, Mia, and I went to visit Carsyn. When we got there, she came out jumping and yelling, not acting in the least sick or tired. By the time we left about an hour and a half later, she looked wiped out and was just hanging on Brenda. I guess we did our job - wore her out so she'd actually sleep! Saturday was jazzercise and hilights, and then I just read. Yesterday afternoon was jazzercise and reading again. It was great to sit down and just relax! Today I plan to go to jazzercise, the mall, and then probably stop by school to prepare for tomorrow, and then of course catch the Hills tonight! It's been raining her for 2 days, so we'll be hanging out indoors today.
Well everyone, I haven't been on here for a while so I know I've rambled a bit. Have a great day off, and happy belated birthday to dad!
Some photos from the past 2 weeks:
Mia is now using her exercauser, and of course loves it. So it's yet another large, colorful, plastic thing to have sitting out in our living room, but if it keeps her happy it's fine with us! And notice the pillow supporting her back... just one more way Luke chose to "help" his sister.

Here's my class, minus one student who didn't come the first day. We have a sports theme, so they made pennant name tags the first day. And yes, I have permission from them all to post their photos! :)

This is Carsyn at the beginning of our visit... notice the smile? She was totally wiped out when we left. We took some balloons from all the cousins to cheer her up, and I couldn't resist the large High School Musical balloon that sings when you tap it!

And then here's Mia -just another cute Bumbo shot we took.

Posted by Jill at 7:30 AM 5 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
Random Photos and Thoughts
Today was our first day of school, and we all survived. Mine went really well, and the kids both seemed to do great too. I was very impressed with Luke's new teacher -he was writing a sentence today already, so I know he'll learn a lot this year. He looks so exhausted though, and he even had a nap. Mia hasn't told me much about her day, so I'll just assume it was fine! Enjoy checking out some random photos I had stored on my camera. There's a photo of Mia at 5 months, the kids this morning ready for school, (notice Mia has on shoes... she has to wear them. Thanks Vickie for supplying today's shoes!) and then Mia enjoying her first baby food - sweet potatoes!
Posted by Jill at 4:21 PM 5 comments
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to work we go...
Tomorrow is back to reality time, and I have a feeling it'll hit us hard very early! Marc and I both have to be at work by 7:30, and it's the first day to take both kids to the new daycare, which is also out of the way, so I think we'll be out of the house by around 6:30. Yikes.
I will say that this summer felt long for once, and we were able to do a lot of things, so I'm ready to head back. This school year will be very different, as all my close friends have moved on. I took this opportunity to change a lot of things about my room and about me. Luckily, my classroom is pretty much done! I went with a sports theme this year, and I'm happy with how it turned out. Last week I got the last of the things from the former teacher who subbed for me last year, and this batch was even better, including class sets of novels, bulletin board sets, posters, borders, notepads, games, etc etc etc. I will try to get a photo of the kids on their first day at their new school, but that may not happen that early! I wish everyone else a happy first day back, whenever their day comes!
Posted by Jill at 8:01 AM 5 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
What can you get for a dollar these days?
Driving home from Jazzercise yesterday I passed a garage sale. I never stop at them, but when I saw a giant Thomas play tent in the driveway, I thought it was worth my time to check it out. The ladies didn't speak much English, but when I asked how much, they held up one finger. I thought I could spare a dollar for it! Luke was so happy to get it, and took his nap in it yesterday. If you look closely, you can see his little head in there. I am also adding an updated photo of our new patio after we finished putting in the flower bed last night.
Posted by Jill at 10:46 AM 4 comments
Friday, August 10, 2007
I can't think of a title for this blog... :)

BUMBO BABY - Ok, the Bumbo seat is my new favorite baby item. I bought one about a month ago and Marc and I both thought it was silly and I figured I'd probably return it, but Mia loved it right away! She's been wanting to sit up and this allows her to do that. A must have for all little ones (Lori, add one to your registry!)

Marc had both the kids in their chairs watching cartoons one morning.

Mia is constantly eating her blankets, to the point that she gags herself! I had to grab a shot of her in action.

Our new patio and seat we put in last week.
Posted by Jill at 4:36 PM 7 comments
Friday, August 03, 2007
Three Rhymes in a Riddle
I'm posting this with my family members in mind, but anyone can give it a try. I've just finished a 5 day TAG (talented and gifted) training today, and learned a lot about the gifted kids. I may not be gifted, but I definitely have a high ability in logical reasoning, and I know my sisters, mom, aunts, and cousins all seem to excel at those logic puzzles, so I'm posting one that came in a packet. As I was doing this, a cooworker claimed I was weird because they were so easy to figure out. So I challenge you all to try it too and see how you do.
Each group of words below is really a common trio of words in disquise. Each original word has been replaced by a rhyming word. Can you solve the trio of words?
Example: sun, clue, free
Answer: one, two, three
1. dread, fright, blew
2. ton, tune, bars (this actually said "tone" on my page, but I figured out "ton" is much better to solve this one!)
3. crop, blow, healed
4. pro, feat, whale
5. far, duck, man
6. stutter, cram, belly
7. brat, flog, dowse
8. chop, hip, plump
9. label, wear, slouch
10. bricks, leaven, slate
11. many, pickle, grime
12. greet, horn, high
Posted by Jill at 6:07 PM 6 comments
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Las Vegas!!!
We got home late last night after 4 great nights in Vegas! The weather was hot, but bearable. The Grand Canyon weather was 59 and rainy though!
Highlights of the trip include:
*Marc and I getting bumped to first class on the flight out since there were no seats for us together in the coach section. We felt very superior to everyone else on the plane! :)
*Awesome Italian bakery/coffee shop in our hotel
*Grand Canyon trip - very impressive place to see, and a fun road trip too
*Discovering video rapid roulette, and continually coming out ahead on it by betting my kids' birthdays!
*Figuring out how to play craps and winning at that our last hour there
*Staying up till 3 am, when I usually can't make it past 10:30!
*Getting to know the other Jill much better, and getting along great
*Riding the roller coaster
*Coming home with as much $ as I left with!
*Day old bread - It was really "Dill bread", and was awesome, but Doug and I both heard "day old bread" when the waiter pronounced it
*Judy's Subway sandwich - This little subway we stopped at on the way to the grand canyon, where Judy made the best sandwiches ever!!
*Learning my way around the Sports Book and successfully betting on baseball and horses
Lowlights (is that the correct term??) of the trip:
*Having flight delays both ways, and having to return to the airport after being on the runway to have maintenance come aboard and work! On the way out, some guy pulled down the oxygen mask and couldn't get it to stay up. Leaving Vegas, we had a 2 hour delay, then on the plane had to return because we didn't have enough power. That made me feel confident.
*The other Jill getting stuck in the elevator at our hotel
*Arizona - very pretty to see for a few hours, but a little let down by it, and don't have to worry about ever moving there
*The super cold rain at the Grand Canyon
*Losing some baseball bets that Marc recommended us to bet on
*The laser show downtown - We were all expecting some awesome laser show and it was really just like a tv show on a roof. We were all a bit let down.
I'm sure there are some other things I should have added but am way too tired to think of them! I have lots of photos to post, but will start with my favorites.
The Jills at the Grand Canyon
Tim, Doug, Jill, me, and Marc at the Grand Canyon
Marc and I after eating at the Italian Restaurant in our hotel
Posted by Jill at 6:12 PM 5 comments