Monday, September 03, 2007

Happy Labor Day!

Is anyone out there actually laboring today, or do you all get the day off? I am going to try to enjoy my already much-needed day off. We have done nothing all weekend and that's just fine with us! My first week with kids went pretty well. Right now I only have 16 kids, but with Ft. Hood, we have move-ins constantly after Labor Day so I'm sure that number will change very soon. My kids are very talkative so that's been the biggest issue to work on this week. It's been very different being back, with most of my grade level being new, but everyone has adjusted well. Luke and Mia are doing well. We are really trying to work with Luke to open up to other people and not just shut down, and that has caused a few frustrations, but he's enjoying his new school and really learning a lot there. The other day he woke up and said "Only one more day left in August" and that's not something we taught him, so I know he's listening and learning. Mia is fine - I think the change in schedule has been hardest on her. She got sick the first week back - just a little virus - but her sleeping and eating has been way off the past 2 weeks, trying to adjust to a noisier room and not quite as much attention all day.

Friday Luke, Mia, and I went to visit Carsyn. When we got there, she came out jumping and yelling, not acting in the least sick or tired. By the time we left about an hour and a half later, she looked wiped out and was just hanging on Brenda. I guess we did our job - wore her out so she'd actually sleep! Saturday was jazzercise and hilights, and then I just read. Yesterday afternoon was jazzercise and reading again. It was great to sit down and just relax! Today I plan to go to jazzercise, the mall, and then probably stop by school to prepare for tomorrow, and then of course catch the Hills tonight! It's been raining her for 2 days, so we'll be hanging out indoors today.
Well everyone, I haven't been on here for a while so I know I've rambled a bit. Have a great day off, and happy belated birthday to dad!

Some photos from the past 2 weeks:

Mia is now using her exercauser, and of course loves it. So it's yet another large, colorful, plastic thing to have sitting out in our living room, but if it keeps her happy it's fine with us! And notice the pillow supporting her back... just one more way Luke chose to "help" his sister.

Here's my class, minus one student who didn't come the first day. We have a sports theme, so they made pennant name tags the first day. And yes, I have permission from them all to post their photos! :)

This is Carsyn at the beginning of our visit... notice the smile? She was totally wiped out when we left. We took some balloons from all the cousins to cheer her up, and I couldn't resist the large High School Musical balloon that sings when you tap it!

And then here's Mia -just another cute Bumbo shot we took.


Anonymous said...

Jill- Cute pictures! I love Mia in the Bumbo! Sorry she has been sick that is the worst! I will be watching the Hills with you tonight! Can I tell you how much I dislike Spencer and Heidi! By the way. I finally watched High School Musical both of them and John completely made fun of me for it! I thought they were cute! Vickie

Anonymous said...

Cute pix! Your class looks very "exuberant". Good luck! I've noticed Luke smiles a lot more in his pix. You must have worn him down. maybe that's an indication he's becoming more outgoing. I hope you all have a very relaxing day. It's been beautiful all weekend in OH, so I have to take advantage of it. As soon as we talk to Jessica, we're heading to the beach. Could be our last hurrah, you never know around here.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. I especially like her look in the Bumbo picture. It must have been great fun driving on I-35 with all those balloons!! Have a good rest of the day. MOM

Brenda said...

yeah...she hasn't been smiling much since that photo. what's with the straw up her nose? love love love the last photo of cute!
the hills was rather uneventful last night...a little disappointing.

Jill said...

My bad on the straw in front of the nose... you know how many photos I took? That was the clearest one that showed it all, so I had to go with it. I'm glad we came by Friday then, before Carsyn felt so much worse. We caught her at a good hour!