Monday, December 24, 2007

Come on man, it's the holidays!

I just had to post this to see if anyone else has seen the commercial for a cell phone - I think it's a go phone - not even really sure. But it's with the gingergread man and his family, and he keeps repairing his house when everyone eats it. For some reason, Luke and I are a bit obsessed with this commercial! We rewind it several times when it comes on, and have been saying for weeks "Come on man, it's the holidays!" So, does anyone else know what I'm talking about? And if you have seen it, is it as funny to you as it is to me and Luke?

I've never posted a link before, so not sure why it's just showing a question mark, but you should be able to click here and see the commercial!


Anonymous said...

Yes! I know that commercial. It makes me laugh out loud every time I see it! I don't know why it is so funny, but it is! Glad to know that someone else has a similar sense of humor!
Merry Christmas!

Amy Covey said...

That's cute. I hadn't seen it on TV yet. I'll have to show Chris...he'll love it.

~Lori said...

Oh yeah, I love that commercial!