Sunday, August 12, 2007

What can you get for a dollar these days?

Driving home from Jazzercise yesterday I passed a garage sale. I never stop at them, but when I saw a giant Thomas play tent in the driveway, I thought it was worth my time to check it out. The ladies didn't speak much English, but when I asked how much, they held up one finger. I thought I could spare a dollar for it! Luke was so happy to get it, and took his nap in it yesterday. If you look closely, you can see his little head in there. I am also adding an updated photo of our new patio after we finished putting in the flower bed last night.


Amy Covey said...

WOW - that's a bargain...and a perfect toy for Luke!! The patio looks even better with flowers. Now you just need something for your DeShia wreath holder.

PS I want to see photos of your classroom and all your fun bulletin boards sometime!

Jill said...

It's hard to see in the photo, but I have a little "wreath" on my star - kind of like raffia with red berries and rusty stars. got it at the sami show for like $3.

Anonymous said...

Love the train tent- you can't beat getting it for only a dollar! The patio looks great! Vickie

Anonymous said...

That tent's great. I guess money ($1) can buy happiness. I love that you can see Luke sleeping in it. Wait until Mia decides to join him.