Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Here I am!

Ok, so I have slacked off. While our computer is broken, I've been using my school laptop, but it is a pain to download photos, so I haven't had much to put on my blog. But due to some pressure from a sibling, I wanted to post something, so you'll have to settle for just me, no kids' photos.

We have 5 and a half days until break, and I am way excited to get a few days off! I feel like Christmas is farther away than it really is. I've been too busy lately to really enjoy the holiday spirit. Plus, I've somehow lost all my Christmas music, so that doesn't help!

Mia turned 9 months old yesterday. Hard to believe she's so big already. She had a good checkup, except the dr. thought she had shrunk! Luckily, after a second measurement, we realized it was a nurse's error and my baby isnt' suffering from early osteoporosis or any other shrinking ailment! I was so excited to start feeding her the little puff snacks last night - her first solid food - but was nervous since Luke choked on his first Cheerio and threw up after I had to stick my finger in his throat! I was so glad when Mia was successful with her first food! But on puff #2, she choked, and threw up 4 times all over the floor. What is it with my kids and choking?? Oh, and she has yet another ear infection. Super.

Luke is doing well. He's so happy because his recalled trains were replaced yesterday! :) Doesn't take much to please him. He's been doing great at school too, and I can't believe how much he's learning.

As for Marc, he's still doing well in basketball. He's no longer undefeated, but still has a great record. District games start soon, so we'll see how things go then.

And then there's me. I've had an interesting week or two at work, and feel like I'm always running 3 places at once, but I'm doing well despite it all! I'm headed to Red Lobster for my staff party now, so it'll be nice to get out and do something relaxing, without kids for a change.

I think that about sums up the Minatreas right now. I just realized tonight I haven't even thought about Christmas cards, so please don't be checking the mail waiting for ours anytime soon. Oh, and I'm taking orders for Cadbury eggs for those who are home bound (Lori) or small town folks (Amy)!


Amy Covey said...

I can't believe you can't find your Christmas music. I'd be lost without mine. I'm a little nervous about my computer since you and Brenda both have been having trouble with yours.

I would like to place an order for Cadbury ornaments please. I can't find them anywhere in VanWert. Pick one up the next time you're out...and add it to my tab! I may need it after flying all day with 2 kids. :)

Jill said...

Ok, I'll pick up a few, but I can't guarantee they'll last till you get here!

Anonymous said...

I open my mail box everyday looking for your card! Now you tell me I have been wasting my time? Just kidding. We have not received many cards. Maybe we need to make a few more friends or at least ones that send out cards? I must admit I have no idea what you are talking about with the cadbury eggs- do they make ornaments? I do love a good cadbury egg!

Jill said...

Vickie- I discovered cadbury cream ornaments (the egg... repackaged for christmas!) As it's one of my favorite treats ever, I can't tell you how happy I am to see them twice a year! You can check them out on my cousin's blog - --- she even added a photo of it!

~Lori said...

Yes, it seems like you are the only one who is able to find the mythical Cadbury ornament eggs. Send one my way please! :)

I haven't gotten many cards yet this year either. So either everyone is running behind on holiday greetings, or I have a lot less friends than I did last year...
I have to send mine too, but that means going to pick them up at WalMart, buying stamps and envelopes, addressing them, and mailing them: so y'all might be getting some festive St. Patty's Day cards this year.

p.s.- I'm glad Mia isn't shrinking.

Brenda said...

if you figure out how to do photos on our school laptops, let me know. i don't get it.

Anonymous said...

So glad I live in a civilized area. I found the infamous CCEggs at Walgreen (and may even have picked up a few--act surprised). As for the cards, I do not work full time, haven't just had a baby, but still don't have mine out. See you all soon. MOM

Amy Covey said...

I'm sure it will shock you ALL to know that my cards, including an photo, are signed, addressed, stamped, and in the mail. What can I say? I guess the super-organization trait didn't get passed on to the rest of my family. Just kidding...although I will miss getting your cards.

~Lori said...

hm...walgreens: i don't think we"ve checked there for eggs yet!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. I can't believe Mia's 9 months already. I'll bet Luke's pretty excited about Christmas this year. You should get my card sometime next week, even if we don't get a snow day. FYI: I won a package of Bailey's chocolates at our Christmas party. They're non-alcoholic, but they taste like it's in there. Also, if you like shrimp, have you ever had Red Lobster's coconut shrimp? Yummy.

Anonymous said...

I hope you all get healthy and can really relax and enjoy Christmas and your days away from school!
Aunt Barb