Friday, March 30, 2007

Happy Friday!

This week is finally over thankfully! It's been a long week. Luke woke up late Sunday night and was so hot - a fever over 102. So he was up most of the night, Mia was up most of the night fussy, so that meant I was up ALL night! At one point Sunday night both kids were just screaming, and Marc just looked at me and said "We have two kids now!" At that point, I was about to start screaming! Luke stayed home with me Monday but seemed to get better. Then Monday night at the exact time he got a fever Sunday night, he had the same high fever. So we went in to the doctor Tuesday and he had Strep. He was home Monday-Wednesday and I had to keep him and Mia apart as much as possible. Wednesday Mia went for her 2 week appointment. She's very healthy, weighs 8lb 12.5 oz and is 21" long. She's in the 90th %ile, so she's a big girl, but the doctor thinks it's because she was a week late, so she's not THAT big! Now that Luke's healthy and Mia's sleeping a little better, I have been able to get a few things done the past two days.

Tomorrow Luke and I are going to see "Meet the Robinson's" just to give us some time together. Then we'll just get ready for Amy, Jacob, and Jenna's visit next week.

I have some cute photos to post, but I'm way too tired to battle that now, so I'll get to it this weekend. I think I put comments on everyone's blogs that I just ran some updates on my computer, and realized that everyone has been blogging this week, but my computer wasn't showing me the latest, so sorry for being silent all week on your blogs... but I didn't know you had written anything new!


Anonymous said...

Yikes! I'm glad Luke's feeling better. Don't you wish they'd come up with a vaccine for strep? Happy Feet is on dvd now. I love it! I saw it with the 2nd graders, and they wondered how I knew those songs.

Anonymous said...

Jill- Just so you know for future reference, Mia can not get strep this young. The youngest that she can possible get it is at 18 months and still is not normally seen until after they are two. I hope everyone is better. Vickie

Jill said...

Yeah, the pediatrician mentioned that about strep, saying the youngest she ever diagnosed was 8 months and that was rare, but we weren't really sure what all was wrong with Luke, so with her being so little, we didn't want to take any chances of her getting sick!