Monday, March 26, 2007

Favorite moment

I forgot to post my favorite photos when I added more the other day. This was taken on one of Mia's first days home. Luke was asleep in his bed, and I laid Mia next to him, so they both were really asleep at this time. I love how protective Luke looks of her, even while sleeping!


Anonymous said...

Those are by far the sweetest pictures! They are just so cute together! I love how Luke is so protective of Mia. He will definately always look out for his little sister! Vickie

Anonymous said...

Those are great, and good to remember when they drive each other (and you) crazy!

Anonymous said...

Keep the pics coming! It is hard to choose favorites, but the sleeping ones are so sweet. I am glad Luke likes C.G.UNO and hope he lets the grownups win once in a while.

Amy Covey said...

You need to save that picture and pull it out when they are 9 and 5 and DRIVING EACH OTHER (and Mom) NUTS! :) Very cute pictures though!

Lisa Uotinen said...

Jill, hi, it's Lisa (Penley) Uotinen, and I'm really enjoying your blog! (I followed the link from Amy's blog). I am so happy to see that you're doing well, and see pictures of your adorable family. Check out my blog at :)