Sunday, April 01, 2007

Mia, 3 weeks


Amy Covey said...

Awwww! Can't wait to see her in person TOMORROW!! I'm so excited! This is going to be the best trip - a new baby and bluebonnets! My camera is going to get a work out! :)

Anonymous said...

She gets sweeter with every post! How would you describe her hair color?

Anonymous said...

Barb, be sure to let Mom see the middle photo--it is the outfit she sent, her booties, and her afghan. Jenni

Anonymous said...

Forgot to comment on the pictures. Too cute. Love the last one where she is sleeping. MOM

Jill said...

Her hair color is different... sort of gold I'd say, especially when she's in the sunlight! By the way, to keep things fair, it's time to give Nancy her cool points shout out! She sent Luke a big brother book, where the big brother's name is Luke! He thinks that's pretty cool. I have a copy of that photo for Grandma, but please share while she's at your house Barb!

Anonymous said...

I pulled up this blogg for Grma D to see the newest pics and she noticed the outfit and booties right away :) It is such a good picture of the "total Mia"...very cute!