This week is finally over thankfully! It's been a long week. Luke woke up late Sunday night and was so hot - a fever over 102. So he was up most of the night, Mia was up most of the night fussy, so that meant I was up ALL night! At one point Sunday night both kids were just screaming, and Marc just looked at me and said "We have two kids now!" At that point, I was about to start screaming! Luke stayed home with me Monday but seemed to get better. Then Monday night at the exact time he got a fever Sunday night, he had the same high fever. So we went in to the doctor Tuesday and he had Strep. He was home Monday-Wednesday and I had to keep him and Mia apart as much as possible. Wednesday Mia went for her 2 week appointment. She's very healthy, weighs 8lb 12.5 oz and is 21" long. She's in the 90th %ile, so she's a big girl, but the doctor thinks it's because she was a week late, so she's not THAT big! Now that Luke's healthy and Mia's sleeping a little better, I have been able to get a few things done the past two days.
Tomorrow Luke and I are going to see "Meet the Robinson's" just to give us some time together. Then we'll just get ready for Amy, Jacob, and Jenna's visit next week.
I have some cute photos to post, but I'm way too tired to battle that now, so I'll get to it this weekend. I think I put comments on everyone's blogs that I just ran some updates on my computer, and realized that everyone has been blogging this week, but my computer wasn't showing me the latest, so sorry for being silent all week on your blogs... but I didn't know you had written anything new!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Happy Friday!
Posted by Jill at 5:48 PM 3 comments
Monday, March 26, 2007
Favorite moment
I forgot to post my favorite photos when I added more the other day. This was taken on one of Mia's first days home. Luke was asleep in his bed, and I laid Mia next to him, so they both were really asleep at this time. I love how protective Luke looks of her, even while sleeping!
Posted by Jill at 11:54 AM 5 comments
Friday, March 23, 2007
More Mia!
Ok, by popular demand, here's more Mia (and Luke) photos! She's had a busy week... I've exposed her to some of the finer things in life, like IHOP (ok, so maybe IHOP isn't one of the finer things in life, but it's good!), outlet mall shopping, and Starbucks. She seems to be enjoying life. And I want to take a minute to give a shout out to Aunt Barb, who gets the "coolest person around" award for the week. Thanks for the gifts for the kids - and you did so good with Luke's gift - Curious George UNO! He thinks it's the greatest thing, and I appreciate when you all think of him now too, not just Mia. As for Mia's new tricks, she can pick up her head, and flip it from side to side, and sucks on her fist. Yesterday morning she had somehow moved her whole upper body off of her wedge that she sleeps on, and then after I put her back, she was on her side a few seconds later. She's way too little to be moving that much!
The first photo is Mia today, in her new bunny outfit from Jenn. The next one was Thursday, when she was hanging onto her paci. The one where she's with mom was too cute - she layed with her mouth open like that for so long, I had to get a photo! Then there's Mia with grandma and grandpa, and then finally Luke feeding Mia (notice her bib?). I must say, I have two good looking kids! :)
Posted by Jill at 11:36 AM 9 comments
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Life with two kids
I am not about to battle the photo issue right now (it's not been working right at all!), but I'll put more photos of Mia and Luke on later when I have some patience. I did want to update everyone on how things are going now that we've been home for a while. Mia is doing well. The past 2 days she's been very fussy, and last night she didn't want to sleep. But once she fell asleep at midnight, I had to wake her after 5 hours to eat! She wants to be held alot, and that's just something that is okay by me right now. It's hard to resist holding her at this little age. She's so squishy - she still is all balled up and rarely stretches her legs out. She reminds us so much of Luke and looks more like him each day to me. She is way more alert than Luke was at this point. Luke would eat then go right back to sleep - a perfect little baby. Mia is awake and looking around a lot during the day and even at night.
Luke is being a great big brother. He tells me several times a day still "I'm glad the baby's out now" and "She's so cute!" and "I love the baby." He is good at squishing her head with his face while giving her love too!
I'm doing good, and enjoying seeing my kids across the street out at recess but not having to be there with them! I've had very little time away from these kids this year, and it's so nice to get this long break. I had decided to go back to work after 6 weeks, but then yesterday I found out Luke's daycare doesn't have a spot for Mia. I was not happy with them, because I'd been told it wouldn't be a problem, and they weren't very nice about it. But things are falling into place today. I called a lady whose daughter I taught 3 years ago and who lives 2 streets away and has an in-home daycare, and it turns out she'll have room for Mia at the end of April and then in May if I want to send her. I can't believe how that worked out. I think I'll take off all of April then just go back for May. How hard is May for an elementary teacher anyhow, besides all the end of year paperwork? Who really teaches at that point in the year still? (Be honest teachers...) So now I just decide if I even want to go back!
And one more thing to say before I end... I had a moment of triumph today as a post-pregnant mom. I am wearing all REAL clothes - nothing maternity, and not even pants with elastic! I actually zipped and snapped a pair of real jeans today, and they aren't a ridiculously large size either! I felt so normal, and so not pregnant. What a good feeling.
Posted by Jill at 4:44 PM 6 comments
Friday, March 16, 2007
First Photo
Mia was supposed to get her first baby photo taken at the hospital on Monday, but her clothes hadn't arrived yet, so we opted to wait until Wednesday, when we had to bring her back for a follow-up appointment, to have her first photo taken. You can go to the website and see her first "official" baby photo.
Her birthday is March 11, and the password is "Minatrea".
Posted by Jill at 3:07 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Last ones... for now!
There will be more added daily I'm sure, but here are the last of the photos that I want to share now! Luke has been so good with Mia - he keeps saying how cute she is! These are all from today - Tuesday. In the second one she's wearing her bear slippers from my friend Jenn - they were Mia's first baby gift!
Posted by Jill at 2:29 PM 9 comments
Still more...
Here are some more photos - Mia in her first outfit, coming home from the hospital (Luke gave her the giraffe that keeps appearing in photos), meeting Molly, and napping with big brother.
Posted by Jill at 2:23 PM 4 comments
Technical Difficulties
My computer and camera system decided for the first time ever to have some serious problems and not let me get to my photos on the computer. Nice timing, huh? I have so many great photos I want to share, so don't think I'm just slacking and not getting them on my blog! I'm about to try the laptop and see if I can make it work there, so keep checking back for those photos I promised! Mia just keeps getting cuter in each photo too!
Posted by Jill at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 12, 2007
Mia Isabella
We just got home, so this will be short. I've slept about 6 hours since Friday night, so it's time to rest! But here are the basics... Photos will follow later today. Mia Isabella was born at 9:39 AM Sunday, March 11. She weighs 8 lbs and is 20 and a half inches long. She has some hair, and blue grey eyes. She's very pink and I think very perfect! She is also very quiet - barely cried so far, so I'm hoping she'll be as great as Luke was as a baby. I'm also doing very well. I'm a big fan of the 8 hour natural labor, versus 20+ hours of induced labor! Check back later tonight for lots of photos.
Posted by Jill at 12:52 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
This Just In...
The TAKS scores came in yesterday for our students, and in third grade, we had 93% of our kids pass the test the first time, and 41% got commended, which means out of 36 questions, they missed 2 or less! I only had 2 not pass, and I knew they wouldn't - both have already been retained a grade and one came to me just 2 weeks before the test. And just to brag on my grade level a bit, the fifth grade students also have to take the test, and they only had 78% passing the first time, and 25% commended. Yay for us!
In baby news, Marc and I went to my appointment today, and the doctor once again pointed out that our family has stubborn cervixes, because nothing is happening. Unless a miracle happens the next few days, we will go in Sunday night at 10:00 to get induced, so we're looking at a March 12 birthday.
And yes, I'm still at work. Notice I said that "I'm at work", not "I'm still working." I'm here, but am questioning how much I'm actually working! :) Hey, it's the week before spring break, so even those not pregnant aren't doing that much work right now!
Posted by Jill at 10:21 AM 4 comments
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Just waiting...
That about sums up my life right now. Just waiting... I should say waiting, while very tired! I'm trying to use up time as much as possible. Last week I had an appointment and the doctor said this baby doesn't look like it wants to come out, and there's no more room in my belly. Cool. I'm still working, although each day gets a little longer and harder to make it through. Luckily, our big TAKS time is over with so teaching is more relaxed and fun these weeks anyhow. I'm not sure if I'm going this week still or not. I will probably go tomorrow, so I don't sit around all day thinking about how it's my due date and yes, I'm still pregnant. After that, who knows. This is a 3 and a half day work week, with a day and a half of inservice before Spring Break, so maybe I'll just grin and bear it and keep showing up each day! Yesterday Brenda and Carsyn met Luke and I at the mall (Marc had some training all day for work), and I managed to stay distracted with shopping and a pedicure for a few hours. Today mom and dad are arriving, so that'll add something new to my daily monotony! I go back Tuesday morning to the doctor, and he'll set up my inducement then if need be. So that's what is happening here. We are all ready to get this whole labor/hospital stuff over with and just be home with our family!
Posted by Jill at 1:18 PM 2 comments