Monday, December 04, 2006

Another Chance

I am pretty excited, because today I scheduled a 3D/4D ultrasound, and it's on our anniversary, Dec. 22. I've heard great things about it from some friends who had one. One girl even said that she could tell that her baby had her sister's lips! How crazy is that?? I can have at least 12 people in there with me too... any takers? OK, just kidding, that's a lot of people to be in there! But I'm really excited that Luke can go too, as usually kids aren't allowed at ultrasounds, and he'll get to see the baby. So we'll see if the third time is a charm, and if this baby really is a little girl! We are pretty sure it is already.


Anonymous said...

A week later and we could come but you will have to do this one yourself. Good luck. MOM

Kara Brown said...

Those ultrasounds are really neat! I didn't have one, but a friend of mine did. It was amazing! You could see so much detail. Have a terrific time!!

Anonymous said...

That sounds amazing! But what did your friend's sister do without any lips?? Sorry, I couldn't pass that one up. I'll be thinking pink, although blue is my favorite color.