Saturday, June 16, 2007


Here are the first photos from our journey up north. There's lots of photos to share, so keep checking back. I promise not to share all 200, but will do my best to give you a play by play of trip, because I know you all want to hear every detail!! :)

We went to two zoos - Cleveland and Ft. Wayne. Luke could go to a zoo every day I think and never get tired of seeing the animals! My friend Vickie and her family came with us and mom and dad to Cleveland, and we went with Amy's family to Ft. Wayne. In Ft. Wayne Luke and I rode a new sky lift they had, and he wasn't at all scared of it. Amy, however, was very willing to stay on the ground with Mia!


Amy Covey said...

I love the photo of Mia and I. I'm never in photos!! Can you PLEASE send me a copy of that one??

Jill said...

sure... even though it's you from behind! better than nothing though, huh? may be a while before i get out and about to get it made, but just keep reminding me!

Anonymous said...

Love those orange shades! Looks like Luke had a lot of fun, too.

Anonymous said...

For all the pictures of us over the years- it has been a while since we have taken one of us together. I am glad we stopped to do that at the zoo. Luke and Jackson look so cute together. I feel like a celebrity being in your blog! It's too bad we don't have a picture of Mia and Zach together. Vickie