Friday, June 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Luke!!

Luke turned 4 on June 14th. This year, since his party was going to be small and simple, I let him pick what he wanted, and he chose to have a CARS party. Even with only a few family members here, he still managed to get a lot of great gifts, and had a good time. He constantly tells us now that he can do harder things because he's "4 old" now. And a special thanks to Marcus, who kept all the kids entertained with Luke's new games, while I took a nap since I was miserable with strep!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like a good party. Cute cake, and when I saw the gifts, I told Sudsy, "It's good to be 4!" I hope you're feeling better now.

Brenda said...

Carsyn can not wait to be four...all she talks about is her upcoming little mermaid pool party!!! Isn't Marcus awesome like that? He's saved my sanity on many occasions!

Amy Covey said...

His cake turned out cute! And he got Hungry, Hungry Hippos...FUN!!!

Jill said...

Yeah, the cake was cute... but lots of black icing! Eww...

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday, Luke! ooh ... Hungry, Hungry Hippos is great fun ... and never wears out or loses its sound effects! (ours is still going strong.)