Monday, January 08, 2007

Christmas Photos

Better late than never, right? I didn't realize I never put photos on from Christmas, so here they are. Thanks Aunt Barb for the blue light up thingie! :)


Anonymous said...

Great pics! Thanks for sharing! I especially like the Luke-in-a-box. What is it about a box that we find so entertaining? I'm suprised that Toys-R-Us hasn't taken to selling $40 cardboard boxes.(unassembled, of course!) Or maybe they do- I don't shop there often (er...ever) so I wouldn't know.
Anyway, Luke's getting so big!! Looks like you had a good holiday. And I like the purple walls. :)

Amy Covey said...

Fun photos! The picture of him standing by the tree cracks me up...strike a pose!

Jill said...

Yeah, I'm not sure where that pose came from, but I love it! He usually won't even stand still for photos, but he kept posing that day - by the big tree, his little tree, fireplace... he was upset when I was done! You should have been here then with your camera!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. What is Luke sitting behind in the fourth one? Can't tell what it is. The nursery looks good in the pictures too but for all you Ohio people it is better in person. MOM

Jill said...

That's his stocking mom!