Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Break Hilights

So I know break isn't quite over, but the majority of our outings are done since mom, dad, and grandma leave tomorrow morning. We have kept busy this week. Sunday Marc and I took Luke to Houston to the Rockets game (Marc's birthday present) and spent the night there. It was good to have that time with just Luke. We went to the Aquarium for dinner and had a great time there. Yesterday we went to see Horton Hears a Who, and I hear it was a great movie... I only caught about 40 minutes of it since Mia was fussing and I had to keep leaving with her. Luke summed it up for me today - I asked him if there were tiny people in the speck, and he said "It doesn't matter how little you are -we are all people." So I guess he got the underlying message of the movie! (If you haven't seen it, that may mean nothing to you!)Today we all went to the zoo in Waco, and then hung outside at Brenda's enjoying the sunshine, and unexpectedly got our first sunburns of the year. By the way, another very exciting moment this week when was we got our replacement Samsung TV! We only had to call them for 8 months and complain before they did something about it. And Mia had her 1 year appointment yesterday. She is still at 18 pounds, and went from being in the 80/90th percentiles to the 10th! Not sure what is going on there. She looks great to me and the doctor, so maybe she's just watching her figure and doens't want to gain too much weight. The girl sure does eat enough though!

At the Rockets game, with his new Clutch bear

Hanging out outside the Aquarium Restaurant, waiting for dinner

On the balcony of the restaurant

Leaving the hotel

Luke and Carsyn, outside of the zoo, waiting for everyone else to arrive. They found this little pile of leaves and were so happy playing in it! We don't get piles of leaves around here much.

Checking out the stinky elephants (they argued on the way to the zoo about whether they were stinky or not... and they sure were!)

Mia, checking out the elephants from the stroller view

I wanted to make sure we got a photo of the kids with great grandma, and we found a great spot out of the sun at the end of our zoo trip. Thanks grandma for making the trip to see us!!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It's grandma!!!! I wanted to make a comment about the drop in percentile. Zach did the exact same thing at the exact same time. He dropped from 80th to 10th percentile. It actually is normal. She gets more mobile and active. As long as she is gaining some weight and normal is for them to triple their birth weight in 1 year which I think she was close to.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a busy but fun break. Those are all good pix, and, in case you're wondering, here are my fav: Luke dragging his suitcase; checking out the elephants; and the kids with G'ma with the sunshine. The first bloggee who sees G'ma will have to share yours and Brenda's pix. FYI: as the fam. heads back to Ohio we are expecting several inches of snow Fri. & Sat. Maybe Kyle wants to consider those Killeen openings. (They're scheduled to be at the April job fair at UT.)

Jill said...

I could probably get Kyle a job at my school if he's interested...

Anonymous said...

great pics! I still love going to the zoo:)

Anonymous said...

That last message was mine. I entered my name, but it came up as anonymous. Aunt Barb

Jill said...

I wondered who the secret zoo lover was! I thought maybe it was kazilar coming back... Ok bloggers, how do I remove kazilar's comment??

Jill said...

I think it is so special that Luke has a cousin that is the same age and they get to see and spend time with each other often. You can tell they are buddies! I also enjoyed seeing the pic of Luke and Mia with their great grandmother. She seems like a young sprite despite her age, and how lucky you are that she was able to come visit this trip! You guys have had a great week -- Spring Break rules. :) I am finally home now, and although I don't like that Easter is so early this year, I do like that we have one more thing to celebrate the end of our Spring Break.

High Power Rocketry said...
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Anonymous said...

See here or here