Sunday, March 30, 2008

Color blind?

It's late, and I know I need to be asleep, but I am online researching color blind tests. Now, anyone who knows me well would know that I know my colors and am big on matching - things have to be just the right shades to go together, and I feel that I am quite good at my color matching skills! Anyhow, recently I had my eye exam for contacts, and I get a bit stressed every time I have to go. Since my first eye exam when I guess I was in 7th grade, I have failed the color blind tests. You know those circles of dots? Well, in many, I see nothing. And once again, I failed it. So I got online tonight to try to figure out why I fail those tests. I made Marc come over and look at the dots, and he saw things I didn't. It really frustrated me, to not understand why I see nothing, but seem to know and see all my colors well. It's a lot less common for women to be color blind than men. I know there are lots of variations of it, and I read that it can be inherited. So family members, anyone else out there ever fail it? And if you're not sure what I'm talking about, then you must have good vision. You can go to the following site to take a mini-test. Let me know if anyone else has issues... I'm just frustrated about it all right now!!


Brenda said...

Did you give LUke the test? I would be curious since it is so common in boys.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering the same thing, if luke took the test.

Jill said...

Actually about 20 minutes ago I thought that I'd give him the test tonight and see how he does. He had his vision checked at school a few months ago and the lady doing it made a note about something she noticed that she'd never seen before. So I wonder what that is about??

Anonymous said...

I sure can't see anymore without my glasses, but I always look over the shoulders at the kdg. screening vision tests and I'm ok with colors.

Anonymous said...

I didn't check the websight but I never had a problem. I do try not to "gloat" since it bothers you. Let us know how Luke does. Mom

Anonymous said...
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