Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hoping your day ended better than mine...

This is the view of how my day ended... That would be my blue pathfinder being towed away. After a very long day, I had my facial appointment at 4:00. Luke went with me, and after we had parked and I opened my door, a lady pulled right into the spot next to me and smashed in my door. So to make a really long story short, first we waited 30 minutes for the police who were maybe a fourth of a mile down the road, then I had to talk to insurance for what seemed like an hour, then they connected me to a tow company, so we waited for them for 20 minutes, all the while with the two kids there (Marc arrived with Mia). What made me more upset was that the lady who hit me had been able to drive away an hour earlier, while I was stuck waiting for someone to take my car. I realize I didn't get a photo of the door, which I wish I had, but it wouldn't shut by like a foot - so dented and smashed into the hinges that it just bounced back. Fabulous. 

Soccer and Silly Kids!

I have lots of random photos to share from the past few weeks.

Ta Da!!

My students - Valentine's Day Party

Luke's class came to my room to visit. They were having their fairy tale ball and were all dressed up!

This girl LOVES her yogurt!

We couldn't resist the temptation of these freshly dipped strawberries at HEB!

This year Luke is a Charger for soccer. He enjoys playing so much more than last year, and actually runs after the ball. He is #8 in the yellow shirt right by the coach.

Officially a soccer mom now that I have my matching T. 

Taking care of a runny nose while watching "Loo" play soccer

Ready for his first game!

Marc's birthday dinner at Fish City Grill

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I realize when I read Nancy's comments that I never told everyone the latest news from Marc's tests. We believe everything is caused by his rotator cuff. He has some stretches to do (which he hasn't been doing!) and in a few weeks, if he's still as bad, he will go to an orthopedic at the hospital to get it checked out. Hopefully it's not in need of surgery, and will heal with time.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Luke's Tree

A few weeks ago, Nonno came to watch Luke while we had a day off and Marc had one of his tests at the hospital, and brought him a fig tree. Everyone got in on the action of planting the tree- even Molly! And then there's a random photo of Mia's first corn on the cob experience. For some reason, I feel that's an event worth capturing on film!

Fairy Tale Ball

I have a lot to post, but haven't downloaded photos or thought much about posting during the craziness of the past weeks. So keep checking back the next few days to see what's been going on in our lives the past weeks. For now, I will share with you photos Luke's teacher sent me from their Fairy Tale Ball. Last Friday, her class was to dress up as nice as they could and they learned how to dance and they had a ball in the afternoon. They'd been studying all kinds of fairy tales. I missed the actual ball since my class was having our valentine party at the time, but I am glad because I have a feeling Luke wouldn't have danced if I'd been in the room! And Mrs. Gonder said he managed to hide in every photo of them dancing, but you can see him in some after he came through the line of kids.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Super Bowl Party - Minatrea Style

We had a pretty lame superbowl Sunday, but we were all together and happy, so I guess it wasn't that bad!
While watching the game...

Luke and Mia built things with blocks,

Luke read some books to Mia,

played with daddy's facebook pet,

while mommy read her latest Twilight book,

and daddy texted (probably Doug about sports...) while Mia finally layed down with him and relaxed.