Sunday, November 30, 2008

Back to work

Well, back to work tomorrow morning. Thankfully the break seemed long for once. It's sad though that I'm still on Thanksgiving break, and I'm already counting down to Christmas break.
Here's my week in review:
1. Went on Wednesday to Marc's game- first one I could go to and their first win.
2. Spent Thanksgiving in Bryan with Marc's family -ate a lot, read a lot. Good times.
3. Brenda's family was at my house when we returned Thursday night and stayed till Saturday morning. She and I spent about 6 hours out Friday morning, WITHOUT KIDS!!, shopping and going to the Sami Show. I spent way too much money, but it was all worth it!
4. Saw Twilight Friday night with Brenda -now waiting for the second one to come out.
5. Marc went to Houston to a game Saturday with his dad so the kids and I hung out all day together, and had a really good and relaxing day. Luke and I watched Iron Man last night together too.
6. At the TAG convention, I got 2 caterpillars to grow to butterflies. They turned to chrysallis', and the first one hatched (is that what it's called??) Friday and the other one came out this afternoon. So we have 2 butterflies, and we'll probably let them go tomorrow. In all the times I caught caterpillars at home and put them in jars with sticks, I never did successfully grow a butterfly, so I was as excited about it as Luke.

As I prepare to head back to work tomorrow, I leave you all with this thought - 15 school days until a 2 week break! :)


Anonymous said...

Just read this and it is Wednesday am. Great pictures of the kids (and butterfly). I love the two middle ones. 24 days until we see them in person. Can't wait. MOM

Amy Covey said...

I'm with mom...can't wait to see them in person - especially Miss Mia!! A year is just way too long!

Anonymous said...

The kids' pix are too cute. Mia's really starting early kissing frogs. Her hair looks so cute.
Tomorrow's Fri. so it's only 11 school days!