Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hey everyone!

Well, I know I've been missing for a while, so I wanted to take a few minutes to give an update on everything going on with us.
First of all, Marc's grandmother, also known to Luke as "Old Nonni", passed away this week. She was such a neat lady. I loved how her face lit up when she saw Luke and Mia. It was so easy to tell how much she loved her great grandkids. It's been a hard week for everyone, so keep us all in your thoughts and prayers.

In other news, I am pretty much back to 100% health. I still crash exhausted once in a while, but otherwise doing just fine.

We are anxiously awaiting the end of the school year. This year we get out so much later, but still, only 15 days left!! There is an end in sight... We don't have any real plans for the summer, but I'm sure we'll manage to plan a trip or two sometime in there.

As for the kids, here's what they are up to:
Luke - We are planning his 5th birthday party! Hard to believe he's almost 5. He "graduates" next Friday from pre-k. He is getting excited about coming to Mommy's school every day and being in Ms. Gonder's class. Next year, my friend Ginny will most likely be his teacher, and her daughter will be in my 3rd grade class! He is working hard on overcoming his shyness. He is earning stickers every time he speaks to someone that normally he wouldn't, and working towards some fabulous prize when he gets his sticker chart full. He is growing up so much. Instead of falling asleep to cartoons or a movie, the other night he asked to put on the Astros game. He is really enjoying watching sports with daddy, and learning a lot about the teams. I guess a love of sports was inevitable as long as Marc was around him!

Mia - Well, she's just our crazy little one. Still not walking on her own, but getting very close. Her favorites/tricks right now are singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider, sneaking in the bathroom and trying to play in toilets, putting blankets, toys, etc on her head as a hat, climbing onto the coffee table, playing with Luke's trains, carrying things in her mouth (toys, blankets) as she crawls or walks around the house, and telling us constantly that she wants to eat in sign language. And, she is finally getting hair!!

I won't take up any more of your time, but wanted to update the world on our family. I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!!


Amy Covey said...

Thanks for the updates. Luke sounds a lot like Jacob at the age. He used to ask to watch Sportscenter. Mia sounds like so much fun! I miss that age.

I still think a trip to Ohio should be on your agenda this summer. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Amy's idea!
My sympathy to all of you. How did Luke do with understanding about Old Nonni?
You'll have to add a picture of Mia with hair when you can. My school is on the same schedule. Our last kids' day is the 5th, and work day on the 6th. I'm counting down, too. Once nice thing about OH is that it's been so cool lately, it doesn't seem like the end of the year, and then I think, "Yay, only __ more days, _ more Mondays, _ more lunch duties...

Jill said...

Luke did pretty good with the news of Nonni. I give so much credit to her teacher - she's been teaching them about things dying - so he had some familiarity of it on a 4 year old level. I think he'll be okay tomorrow since it's not a service with a lot of people. I'll let you all know how it goes.

Brenda said...

My, little Mia sounds like Payton...hold on for a crazy ride!
I will never forget the first time Imet old Nonni at Marc' mom's house...when they wouldn't let her use the giant knife to chop up a rabbit anymore and when i thought they were sneaking around watering her wine down.