Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Photos

Finally, a few Christmas photos to share! We had to buy a new storage unit from IKEA and remove a futon in order to make room for the ever growing collection of toys. The last photo cracks me up - Luke and Carsyn were sitting identically, and didn't even know it. They are so funny together!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Come on man, it's the holidays!

I just had to post this to see if anyone else has seen the commercial for a cell phone - I think it's a go phone - not even really sure. But it's with the gingergread man and his family, and he keeps repairing his house when everyone eats it. For some reason, Luke and I are a bit obsessed with this commercial! We rewind it several times when it comes on, and have been saying for weeks "Come on man, it's the holidays!" So, does anyone else know what I'm talking about? And if you have seen it, is it as funny to you as it is to me and Luke?

I've never posted a link before, so not sure why it's just showing a question mark, but you should be able to click here and see the commercial!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

7 years down...

Yesterday, Marc and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary. Nonno came and got the kids around noon, so we had the day free to do all the things we've been too busy to do - last minute shopping, wrapping gifts, cleaning up the house... We were going to head out and go to dinner and a movie, but we realized we were so tired - we've been on the go non-stop for weeks and have been lacking sleep. We did make it to Texas Roadhouse for dinner, and then came home, made a fire, and ordered a movie off of TV. I was pretty excited to get a half white/half black diamond necklace!

Today we're heading to Bryan and will stay at Marc'sparents' house tonight, have Christmas there in the morning, and then head home early in the afternoon. Christmas day will be spent just hanging out at home - maybe even a meal out at a Chinese restaurant if we don't want to cook dinner.

If I don't hear from you all, have a Merry Christmas. Oh, and we did finally send cards out, but you may get them late. Better later than never, right?

Check back for lots of photos of Mia's first (and Luke's 5th) Christmas!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Good Times

The weekend is almost over, but I really enjoyed it for once. I didn't spend the whole time running around shopping with 2 kids. Friday my friend Jenn came to see me at school. I taught with her for several years at Trimmier and she moved in May. I haven't seen her since then, and now she's 8 months pregnant. Saturday we got to spend several hours together, just us, at lunch and shoping. I really needed that friend time. I haven't had it in so long and it was much needed.
Last night Mia finally crawled forward! She's been working on heading backwards but was in no hurry to move forward, unless it was by rolling. Marc and Luke were trying to play Candy Land, and she crawled over to mess up their game. It was a sad little crawl, but it counts! I think she's finally getting some more teeth in. All day she's been very sad and needy, like last time.

Today Jenn and her husband stopped by again before heading home, and then Luke and I made fudge, chocolate covered pretzels, and attempted church windows. Not sure what happened there. I have a feeling they will end up in the trash, unless they come out ok after cooling! Marc is finally out doing some Christmas shopping now, so I dressed the kids up to try to get a good photo of them dressed up. With how Mia is acting, it wasn't super successful, but I got a few cute ones none the less.

Three and a half days left this week. Can't wait for a break!!! Friday I think I'm sending the kids to daycare and finally cashing in a certificate I have for a massage, facial, and mani/pedi. I need some time for me.

Enjoy this last week. I'm envious of the blizzard my Northern friends are receiving now - saw the Browns and Steelers on tv playing in it. Send some my way!

Miss you all.

Don't have much explanation for this photo - what you see is what you get!

When I watched Brenda's kids the other night, Carsyn and Luke sat together and "read" Polar Express. It was too cute. They have changed so much this past year, and it's evident in how they play together.

And today's photos, dressed in their Christmas best!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Here I am!

Ok, so I have slacked off. While our computer is broken, I've been using my school laptop, but it is a pain to download photos, so I haven't had much to put on my blog. But due to some pressure from a sibling, I wanted to post something, so you'll have to settle for just me, no kids' photos.

We have 5 and a half days until break, and I am way excited to get a few days off! I feel like Christmas is farther away than it really is. I've been too busy lately to really enjoy the holiday spirit. Plus, I've somehow lost all my Christmas music, so that doesn't help!

Mia turned 9 months old yesterday. Hard to believe she's so big already. She had a good checkup, except the dr. thought she had shrunk! Luckily, after a second measurement, we realized it was a nurse's error and my baby isnt' suffering from early osteoporosis or any other shrinking ailment! I was so excited to start feeding her the little puff snacks last night - her first solid food - but was nervous since Luke choked on his first Cheerio and threw up after I had to stick my finger in his throat! I was so glad when Mia was successful with her first food! But on puff #2, she choked, and threw up 4 times all over the floor. What is it with my kids and choking?? Oh, and she has yet another ear infection. Super.

Luke is doing well. He's so happy because his recalled trains were replaced yesterday! :) Doesn't take much to please him. He's been doing great at school too, and I can't believe how much he's learning.

As for Marc, he's still doing well in basketball. He's no longer undefeated, but still has a great record. District games start soon, so we'll see how things go then.

And then there's me. I've had an interesting week or two at work, and feel like I'm always running 3 places at once, but I'm doing well despite it all! I'm headed to Red Lobster for my staff party now, so it'll be nice to get out and do something relaxing, without kids for a change.

I think that about sums up the Minatreas right now. I just realized tonight I haven't even thought about Christmas cards, so please don't be checking the mail waiting for ours anytime soon. Oh, and I'm taking orders for Cadbury eggs for those who are home bound (Lori) or small town folks (Amy)!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Go Grey Wolves!!

Marc has played 8 and 1/8 games (one game stopped part way through the first quarter, and the team left, but Marc counts it as a win!) and is undefeated! Today the team finished a tournament in Round Rock, and won first place. Since we have no idea what could happen the rest of the season, I wanted to celebrate their great start by giving them credit on here and sharing their team photo from after their win today.