Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mia, 4 months

I already shared Mia's latest tricks and cute things she does in the earlier post, but here are the photos to go with it. Mia loving her baby, eating cereal, sitting up, and the last one is how I found her the other day. Luke loves to play with her, and I discovered her with about 20 matchbox cars in her swing!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures. I can't believe Mia sitting in the boppy!! I can tell from Luke's expression that he had a good time at swim lessons. Cool instructors too! Where was the pool? MOM

Anonymous said...

Mia is changing, and quite adorable. I love the picture of the 2 kids on the bed!

Jill said...

The pool is by the shaved ice place, at an elementary school. Very nice pool!

Amy Covey said...

YEA - new pictures of the kids! I love the photo of Luke jumping off the diving board. Mia is too cute with her doll. I think maybe her big brother would rather have her play with cars though - too funny!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big Mia is! It goes so fast. It's good to see you guys are doing well. I miss you and love seeing the new pictures.-Carrie

Anonymous said...

It is so nice that Luke plays with Mia and gives her his toys, but it looks like she prefers the doll over his cars. Cute pics!