Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Maybe + Might = Girl??

So I had my appointment today, and got another ultrasound. Everything looks good with the placenta - the doctor said it's high enough to not be a problem, so I'm very happy about that! Then he asked if we knew what we were having and when I said that the last person said that maybe it was a girl, he said "Yeah, it might be a girl." Hmm... is that enough to paint pink and buy frilly clothes?? So two iffy answers both saying girl. We think that it is a girl, but would love a straight up "Yes, it's a girl!" Oh well.

Monday, November 27, 2006

For Aunt Nancy

I had to put in the photo of Luke enjoying his carrots that Nancy did such a good job making!

Thanksgiving Trip

Here are the photos from my trip to Ohio.

Luke, Carsyn, and Payton playing in leaves at the park - something they don't get to do in Texas!

Grandpa and the girls at the park.

Me and my friend Vickie.

Luke watching grandpa's trains, which he loved!!

Returning to Texas on the airplane.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Here I am!

Ok, it's been forever since I posted anything, but I've been way busy, tired, stressed... what other excuses can I come up with? Here's the update on my way too exciting life. I will post again Sunday probably with photos from my Ohio trip.
1. Basketball season has started, so Marc is busy with practice and we've been going to some games. I'm trying to get in as many as possible at the start of the season, because I really doubt I'll be making the 2 hour road trip games while 9 months pregnant!
2. Luke and I flew to Ohio Wednesday morning with Brenda, Carsyn, and Payton. We were a site at the airport - 2 adults, one who is pregnant, 2 three year olds, a one year old, 5 suitcases and 3 backpacks, and no stroller. Fortunately, people were friendly and helpful! The time in Ohio was great, although I am extremely tired now that I'm back home, and I think I gained about 6 pounds. How can I say no to all that homemade, Ohio Thanksgiving food? And let's not forget about Aunt Nancy's carrots... Luke's favorite food from Thanksgiving!
3. My Christmas shopping is actually close to being done! Now if only I could come up with something for my own husband... No clue there! Ideas anyone?
4. I came home today to find Marc went to Hobby Lobby on his own and surprised me with a new skinny, prelit Christmas tree! That may not seem like a big deal to many of you, but first, it is very hard to surprise me. Even when Marc brings home flowers or anything like that, I usually seem to know they are coming. Plus, Marc at Hobby Lobby, on his own?? Impressive.
5. Tuesday I go back to the doctor for my glucose test and another ultrasound. Let's hope for great news on the whole placenta thing, and also that we get a successful peek at the gender of this baby. At some point we need to start coming up with names and a nursery!
I think that's about it. Oh, and Marc won his first game today. Yay for that! Pictures will come soon... keep checking back. I promise to have something to say or show you all more often!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Little Known Facts

Amy challenged her blog readers to create a list of 5 facts that most people don't know about themselves, so here are my 5. I can't promise they are exciting, and maybe you did already know them about me, but this is what I came up with:

1. My dream job is to be a public speaker. When I go to textbook committee meetings or inservices for interesting topics, I am envious of the presenter's job. I love to public speak, and feel that I am very good at it. I owe this to my parents, who forced me to take a speech class in high school to prepare me for college. I was very angry that I had to take it, but it turned out to be my favorite class! I considered in the past pursuing such a job, but I'd have to travel and being away from my family that much isn't something I'm willing to do right now.

2. I cannot sleep with socks on. Ever.

3. I am obsessive/compulsive about little things that seem to all have to do with the concept of time - making sure the alarm is set correctly, making sure I put in the right dates for a substitute, making sure I have the correct dates/times when ordering a plane ticket or hotel room, etc. I will check them over and over and still not feel like I can relax about it!

4. If I could wear one thing the rest of my life, it would be flannel pants and a hooded sweatshirt. Although I like how I look dressed up, those are my comfort clothes that I would seriously wear every day if the weather and my job permitted!

5. At Christmas time, I am still a child. I search for where a gift may have been hidden, and I can't help but to peek in the stockings ahead of time. And yes, I am still a gift shaker - I will find the ones with my name, and check them out ahead of time when noone is really looking! I guess the magic of Christmas has never died for me... it's not about getting the gifts really, but it's just that anticipation and the memories it brings me each year, and I get to feel really young for just a few days!

Trick or Treat!

Ok, so now this is attempt # 7 to post this blog! Something has gone wrong every time I've tried. Anyhow, Tuesday was trick or treating, and Carsyn and Payton came out to trick or treat with Luke. They did great, Luke yelling his typical "knock knock!" as he banged on the doors, saying thank you, and only being a little scared (ok, maybe Carsyn was more than a little scared!) of the spooky house with the monster that popped out of the coffin!

In other news, I get to have another ultrasound on Nov. 28. My doctor told me yesterday that he has concerns about my placenta being too low, so we have to watch it carefully. So, we'll take a look at it that day. The good news is maybe I'll get a peek at the gender, and see if it really is a pink baby! I'll update everyone that night with any news I have.