Monday, June 01, 2009

Last Week

It's the last week of school, and I can't even say "finally!" This has really been a great year, and I'm dreading sending this group on to 4th. We have school till Friday and a workday Saturday morning. Thought I'd put a little message on her letting everyone know how busy I am so you understand why I haven't posted much. Plus, when I do take the time to post, it seems only 2 people check it and comment anyhow!  Alright, enough of making you feel guilty for not posting comments. Moving on... :)

This week, we have kinder graduation where Luke is supposed to have a speaking part! If he actually says it, then yes, I will cry. That will show how far he's come this year. Then I have my awards ceremony, end of year parties for me and Luke, a birthday dinner for my friend, prepping for Luke's party including shopping, cleaning, and making cupcakes, workday Friday, then his party in the afternoon. We are supposed to be getting a combo inflatable bounce/slide for the backyard for his party, so hopefully that'll keep the kids busy. 
Then Sunday I start getting us ready for our trip to Philadelphia. Anyone been there? What do we have to make sure to see/do before we go?? I have a long list, but love input from people who have actually gone.
In case some one you haven't heard, I am thrilled that Brenda and I found cheap flights so we are no longer driving with the 4 kids to Ohio! We will be there July 7-17. Hopefully we'll have time to see everyone. 
I should have plenty of photos after this week is over, between graduation and parties. 

And one last thought... how is it that Luke is getting ready for first grade? A child in kinder still seems young, but a first grader?? Having a hard time dealing with that one!


aunt nancy said...

Well, I don't feel guilty.Oh,look, I'm the first commenter. anyhow, I didn't hear that you're flying, but that sure sounds a lot better. Never been to Philly, but I hear the cheese steak and cream cheese are good. Of course, Marc will have to run up the steps of the art center (I think that's what it was) and jump around like Rocky.
Enjoy your last week. I'm anxious to hear how Luke does, but that's fantastic that he's even been given a speaking part. Yes, they do grow up fast!!

Jill said...

you are always the winner for blog comments nan! :) i'm exercising extra hard this week in hopes of trying out many fab cheese steaks next week. didn't think about the cream cheese! :) looking forward to seeing you soon

me again said...

Just to let you know that I even go back to read further comments. doesn't say much about my exciting lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are able to fly.We made the trip with Jenna and Jacob at that age when Luke was born. They were great, but no such thing as a peaceful night's sleep in the motel. They were well rested and ready to stay up. Can't imagine the challenge of four.Enjoy your trip to Phil. Dad

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to lots of pictures of graduation and birthday party. enjoy your trip. See you soon. MOM