Thursday, April 09, 2009

Luke's First Lost Tooth

Finally, Luke lost his first little tooth last Sunday night! That tooth seemed to be loose forever, and I was wanting it out soon since his permanent tooth was halfway in behind it already. Saturday night he let me try to pull it, but I couldn't get it. On Sunday we knew it had to come out, but he got scared and didn't want me pulling it, so he went to bed. While I was in the shower, Luke was eating some string cheese and he started crying and said to Marc "Half my tooth fell out!" Since it was so tiny, he thought it broke and only part of it came out! He was a little scared by it, but after he calmed down he was excited to get his tooth pillow out and tuck it under his pillow for the tooth fairy. He barely has a hole where the tooth was since the new one is in its place already.

The before photo... not sure if you can tell, but you can see the big tooth in behind it.

It's so tiny!!

Tucked away carefully in the tooth pillow... thanks Grandma for making it!

Night night... time for sleep so the tooth fairy can come


Amy Covey said...

Love that toothless grin. He looks so excited!!!

Vickie said...

I know I am a nurse and I should be able to handle things, but I do not like the idea of pulling my children's teeth. I think that is something I will have to make John do! By the way, what is the going rate for a tooth now?

aunt nancy said...

I could never pull a tooth, either. I'd try, and then get grossed out when you could hear it grinding. I hope the tooth fairy didn't fall asleep and forget about it. Then she just comes back the next night, or sometimes the money falls under the bed:)

Jill said...

luckily luke fell asleep right away, because i was so worried the tooth fairy wouldn't remember to drop off the money!