Wednesday, September 06, 2006

One Trimester Down, Two To Go

Here's a photo of me today, getting fatter. :) I thought I'd officially start the montly belly photos today. Hard to believe I'm a third of the way through this pregnancy. Hopefully everything continues to go well and be uneventful... I have no plans to repeat Brenda's last pregnancy! ;)


Amy Covey said...

Ahhhh...look at your little belly! Good idea to do the monthly belly shots - so much fun!

Amy Covey said...

Jacob wants me to tell you that he came up with a boy name for you. He thinks you should name it Pompeii. (Was that in Italy???)

PS I spelled Pompeii with only 1 "i" and Jacob read over my shoulder to correct my spelling. Then he went to get a book to prove me wrong. How many of YOUR third graders can spell Pompeii???

Brenda said...

How many of my freshmen and sophomores can spell Pompeii? I'll have to ask Marcus if he knows how to spell it! While I do not recommend getting sick while pregnant, I do recommend sitting home for an entire semester watching daytime tv!

Anonymous said...

Looking good! I am looking forward to watching you grow, too. MOM

Anonymous said...

It is cute now but wait until you are going into your 8th month like I am. Then you might not want a belly picture like I don't. I get enough people who look at me in shock and say, you are not due until Nov 2nd? Ask your mom, I am starting to look like a whale. It is hard how much quicker and farther you stick out with your second one!

~Lori said...

Too cute!! And, back on the name thing, one of the HUGE names in Springfield these days is "Nevaeh"; You know, 'heaven' backwards. (isn't that...never mind)
P.S., the biggest male style icon in Springfield is K-Fed, if that tells you anything, and the median birth-mother age is probably 13.

I like Pompeii.

Jill said...

Why not just name him K-Fed then Lori? What a role model for my child... :) Go Springfield.

~Lori said...

I think you've got the best name choice right there, Jill!
K-Fed Minatrea. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think???

Anonymous said...

You look very cute! Let us know when you're posting the "Vanity Fair" cover pix.

Jill said...

Yeah, Nancy, don't hold your breath for that photo! And thanks for the compliment, because "very cute" is the last thing I'm feeling already!

Anonymous said...

tsk, tsk! Watch your phraseology! That is "Music Man" speak for "you are NOT getting fatter, you are pregnant and looking GOOD" :) Aunt Barb

A Fresh Wind Children's Ministry said...

Hey! I agree,you look SOOO cute! (of course, this comes from one who's never been pregnant, so I speak with naivete!) =) I can't wait to see next month's picture.