Wednesday, June 03, 2009

It was finally our big day...

... in more ways than one. Today was Luke's kindergarten graduation. I started the day with mixed feelings - so proud that he had such a great year in kinder, sad to realized my baby is almost a first grader, and nervous that he wouldn't say his line in the graduation program.

A few weeks ago Luke was assigned a speaking part in the program, and anyone who knows him well knows that Luke speaking in front of a huge crowd is not something that would probably happen. He learned his lines, and practiced them with the other kids during rehearsals. But we didn't know what would happen when the time actually came to speak in front of a huge crowd of strangers. His classmate had the first line in the program, and when it came his turn to talk, the microphone wasn't on, and I thought "Great -of all kids for this to happen to, it has to be with Luke?" and Marc turned to me and said "He's not going to do it." But the mic came on, and so did his voice, and the most precious words I've heard in a long time came out of his mouth: "It was finally our big day - the first day of kindergarten." He did it. And I cried. This was a huge accomplishment for him, and shows how far he's come this year, and I truly owe it to his fabulous teacher and my great friend Mrs. Gonder. I feel so fortunate that my child has been blessed with learning from her for a year, and am having a hard time accepting that he's moving on.

The rest of the program was great too, but nothing could top my boy saying his lines. Enjoy the photos, and know that he has one proud mama today!

And a special thanks goes out to Nonno and Nonni who came today for the ceremony and then took the kids to IHOP (tradition after kinder grad) and then kept the kids all day.

Graduation morning, all dressed up

Waiting in line with two of his classmates, Jasmine and Edina

The Processional

Saying his lines --- see, he really did do it!

If you look hard, you can find him in the top left of this photo

Posing for one of mom's many photos

Receiving his diploma from his teacher

View from behind (I got front row seats!)

After receiving his diploma

Nicholas and Luke - his best buddy... I love this photo!

Back in class with Mrs. Gonder

With his graduation puppy


Jill said...

Wow, Jill -- what a special day, indeed! I love Luke's outfit, too. I still remember Luke's birth announcement, which seems like yesterday. Kindergarten graduation! How can that be?

Jill said...

just wait, you'll see how soon it comes! i love his outfit too - he wore if for easter and matched mia. children's place clothes...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your graduation, Luke. We are very proud of you. Grandma & Grandpa

aunt nancy said...

You all should be very proud, and Luke looks like he is enjoying the day. I did notice that he is surrounded by girls a lot. Enjoy your trip!