Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I haven't been able to find my cable to download photos, so that's why I'm just getting these on here! So here goes...
Fort Worth Zoo
Ft Worth Zoo - went a few weekends ago and met Brenda and the family there
feeding the birds... Luke had a very cooperative bird who sat there forever

more zoo photos

Dying eggs seemed very fast this year... why do I recall spending forever to dye them as a kid?

Good Friday

Ringling Bros. Circus - Easter Weekend
Luke trying to jump with the circus folk... he missed the first time, got defeated, and quit

Front row seats and sno cones... courtesy of Nonno and Nonni

And cotton candy at the circus, also thanks to Nonno!

Easter Sunday, showing off new treats and some awesome bed head for Mia


Amy Covey said...

I just commented on FB on all of these. The egg dying photo is my favorite. Miss them TONS!!!

A Fresh Wind Children's Ministry said...

These are all such cute photos, but I LOVE the one of Luke feeding the bird...he just seems so excited! Too cute =)

Brenda said...

Cute pictures...still can't believe Carsyn and Luke rode that stupid horse and buggy that didn't go up and down...where's the fun in that? Our dying eggs also went super fast...and we did two dozen!

aunt nancy said...

Those are really cute! I like the coordinated Easter outfits - not as easy to do with a girl and boy.