Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Soccer and Silly Kids!

I have lots of random photos to share from the past few weeks.

Ta Da!!

My students - Valentine's Day Party

Luke's class came to my room to visit. They were having their fairy tale ball and were all dressed up!

This girl LOVES her yogurt!

We couldn't resist the temptation of these freshly dipped strawberries at HEB!

This year Luke is a Charger for soccer. He enjoys playing so much more than last year, and actually runs after the ball. He is #8 in the yellow shirt right by the coach.

Officially a soccer mom now that I have my matching T. 

Taking care of a runny nose while watching "Loo" play soccer

Ready for his first game!

Marc's birthday dinner at Fish City Grill


Amy Covey said...

Love your matching soccer mom shirt. It looks like Luke is having a lot of fun with soccer. Mia is just too stinkin' cute (and a tiny bit ornery). I miss them!!

Jill said...

she's more than a tiny bit ornery!

Anonymous said...

Those are all cute, even Marc stuffing his face.

Brenda said...

"Loo" how cute...almost as cute as Payton's "woot"