Friday, December 12, 2008

Fa la la la humbug

What a day. It seems like everyone at work today was a scrooge, making the rest of us who thought we were happy feel like scrooges too. I thought it was tis the season to be jolly... anyone else finding a lack of "jollyness" out there this year? Everyone seems so grumpy and moody. Last night was my school party and I wasn't able to go since Marc is out of town and I had no sitter. I was upset till I found out there were rude comments still being said today over the staff gift exchange, of who didn't get what they wanted. Come on people, they were $10 gifts. Who really cares what you left with? So now I'm pretty glad I stayed home in my PJs making goodie bags with the kids. I, for some crazy reason, agreed to make them for Luke's class, Mia's class, and my class... so now Luke knows that 13+18+20=51 since that's how many we made last night.  My kids at school today were crazy, and I'm starting to buy into the "full moon effect" on kids... has anyone else checked out the moon last night and today? So cool. I even saw a man stopped by my house snapping a quick photo. Go out and see it tonight if you haven't yet. 

In other news... Marc is still out of town at a tournament. I feel bad for him, missing 2 days of school, only playing one game a day, getting a good night's sleep in a hotel, spending most of today shopping at a nice mall in Dallas area. The kids and I have to clean the house and cook tonight since I'm hosting my third grade teacher party tomorrow night. We voted on a soup and hot drink party, trying to force ourselves into the holiday/cold weather spirit. 
Well, not much else to say. I should have some photos to post after this weekend. You aren't missing much - right now both my kids are a mess from dinner, and Mia is burping while Luke is repeatedly saying "fart fart fart" while eating. **Sigh** When did Luke become such a boy???? 


Brenda said...

I hear ya with the bah humbug...and the full moon...the fullest in 15 years they said on the news tonight. we had one kid throw a desk and cry while another had to be pulled out from underneath a desk and then tried to run away...aaaah what i wouldn't do for the kisd discipline program i went through. staff christmases are yourself a gift and enjoy your own children for a change!

~Lori said...

hahahaha, Luke.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need some Christmas goodies, a sappy, predictable holiday movie, and maybe some Little Sister wine. I know it must be out there somewhere. I'm happy, if that helps. We had our staff party last night, so I shared the letters you had on your blog a couple of years ago about the stressed out HHR director trying to please everyone with the social committee. And yes, I got a lousy exchange gift. Maybe you should be glad you're in TX, because it might show up at Lori's next weekend. Only 5 more days!!

Amy Covey said...

Only 5 more days...and then can you have some time off! Hopefully this weekend was a little better.