Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Photos

I was so thankful that the weather dropped 20-30 degrees for Thanksgiving, so my kids could wear their new cute "cold weather" clothes! Luke and I bought Mia a new Thanksgiving outfit, complete with pink Ugg boots. We also made the pilgrim hats that we saw online... and they turned out so cute, and yummy too! We spent Thanksgiving in Bryan, TX at Marc's parents' house. Luke was surprised with a new "big kid" bike, and he and Nonno went out in the 50 degree weather to the park for about 2 hours to enjoy it. Mia finally seems healthy, but had to suffer through the world's worst diaper rash on Thanksgiving Day.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What are YOU thankful for??

I was at HEB today (grocery store... getting stuff to make grandma's cheeseball!) and a lady stopped me and said "There are little blessings everywhere! Enjoy your little blessings." She had just seen a little baby, and then was looking at Luke and Mia when she said that. I realize how lucky I am to have my two beautiful children, and of course that's what I'm most thankful for this Thanksgiving. Last night, Luke and I had a talk about helping those who aren't as lucky as us, and he said "Mommy, I have money. I can buy them something!" That's one of those moments that I see what a great kid he is, already knowing how fortunate we are, and he's only 4.

So what are you all thankful for this year? What are your "little blessings"?

Monday, November 12, 2007


That about sums up how I'm feeling right now...What a day! Today was supposed to be this magical day of shopping with Brenda. We finally had a day off work for Veteran's Day, and Brenda and I planned to shop in Austin like we have the past 2 years, to kick off our Christmas shopping. When I got up, Mia had a fever, so she ended up going along (Marc had basketball practice, and she couldn 't go to daycare). She was a trooper though - very good for the most part while Brenda and I spent many hours (and dollars!!) shopping. When we got back, Mia seemed warmer than she had all day, and Brenda stayed while we took her temp... we stopped when the thermometer hit 104.1 (plus add the degree for under the arm.) So I got on the phone with the doctor and they said to just alternate tylenol and motrin all night, but take her in if her fever spiked again. I'll be home tomorrow with her for sure, and visiting the doctor to find out why Mia seems to have a fever every other week. I feel so bad for her! Meanwhile, our computer is broken, and we'll have to take that in, but luckily I have my school laptop to use. I went to get something out of the freezer earlier, and found popsicles dripping on me... and our freezer all warm. I called a repair man to come out, charge me $75, and tell me I need a new fridge. Awesome. Why couldn't it be the stove? We never use that anyhow!! Now tomorrow, I'll stay home from work to take Mia to the doctor, and get a new fridge. Oh, and tomorrow night is Marc's first game. On a good note, I had a very successful shopping day, especially at Toys R Us, and in trying to hide the gifts, I found my missing necklace that I've been searching for for over 2 months! I'm trying to find the silver lining in my day... Have a great week everyone. I am sure my week can only improve from here!

Sunday, November 04, 2007


It's taken a few days to get the Halloween photos on, but here they are finally! Luke dressed as a soccer player this year, since he had his Italian jersey already. Luke had a party at school that afternoon, and Marc and I were both able to go, which is something that will probably never happen again, so I really enjoyed being there.
Carving our pumpkin

Luke's teacher - Ms. Kuehl (who is an awesome teacher!) - the bat next to her is Josh, Luke's "best buddy"

At school, during his party

Trick or Treat!