Monday, July 10, 2006

I'm a blogger!

Thanks to a quick tutorial from Amy, I have figured out how to start my own blog. So now everyone can keep up with the oh-so-exciting life of a Texas teacher, coach's wife, and mom. I had some trouble thinking of a title for my blog, but decided on "And then there were four". For those of you who don't know, I found out a few weeks ago that I am pregnant with baby #2, due in early March. Yep, that's right - perfect timing for a third grade teacher (TAKS testing right at that time) and a basketball coach's wife (playoff time!) But besides the timing, we couldn't be happier. Luke is a little confused about the whole concept of me having a baby, but he did express that he does want a blue baby. We'll see what we can do about that one! I will attempt to figure out how to add pictures another day. For now, welcome to my blog!


A Fresh Wind Children's Ministry said...

Yay! Welcome to the blog's slightly addicting, I must warn you! Congratulations on your (blue) baby! And you're right...blogs are a great way to keep up on what's going on with people. I think the whole family should have one! Tell everyone I said "hi!"

Amy Covey said...

YEA!! You figured it out AND came up with a catchy title. I'm so proud of you!! We miss you all already!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and Marc! We're very happy (about the baby, not so much the blog.) I appreciate your sharing the pix on the Kodak site,too. I'll look forward to keeping in virutal touch with you!